981 Risse Rd
Fairbanks, AK 99712
(907) 488-6973

Closed for the Season

Please Call Ahead if You Need Anything

We are Still Happy to Help!

Everything Else...
Tools & Supplies
We carry a variety of items to help you get the job done! Come see us for everything from pruners to rolls of greenhouse covers.
Fertilizers & Organics
We have fertilizers, soil amendments, weed and bug killers. Not sure what to do? Our knowledgeable staff can help!
Planters, Pots, & Baskets
Everyone has their own taste and we want to accommodate them all! That's why we have so many styles, sizes, and colors!
From birds to frogs to birch bark logs, there is something for everyone in Greenhouse #4. Come see the wide variety of our decor.